全球植物–bundle 14–热带花园02 大小:7.5G




Ctenanthe setosa
–rostrata Heliconia
–Syagrus romanzoffiana

Globe Plants – Bundle14 – Tropical Garden 02

This Bundle 14 includes 15 common shrub and tree species used in Tropical garden and landscaping purposes with 91 unique models that come with many forms that can be used for many of your scenes. With MESH, BLENDER, C4D, and SKETCHUP format you only need to drag and drop and ready to render, with GrowFX format, you gain maximum flexibility to edit the plants as much as you like.

All models were made with the highest possible detail with an accurate representation of species used for both Corona, VRay Renderer, and FStorm.

List of Species:

– Alcantarea imperialis
– Alpinia purpurata
– Asplenium nidus ‘Crispy Wave’
– Clivia miniata
– Ctenanthe setosa
– Cycas revoluta
– Cyperus alternifolius
– Dicksonia antarctica
– Dracaena cochinchinensis
– Ficus lyrata
– Heliconia psittacorum
– Heliconia rostrata
– Pandanus tectorius
– Strelitzia reginae
– Syagrus romanzoffiana