高质量的讲座和材料,让你有机会在2022年成功学习Python 3编程

学生将学习python 3编程语言的主要基础知识。

MP4 |视频:h264,1280×720 |音频:AAC,44.1 KHz,2声道
语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥CG资源站 机译) |时长:96节课(7小时1分钟)|大小解压后:2.23 GB


嗨!我的名字是Pascal Krause,我是这门课程的主要讲师之一,在这门课程中,您将全面学习如何成功地开始学习流行的Python 3编程语言的基础知识。也就是说,本课程为你提供了使用Python 3编程编写和创建你自己的定制项目和程序所需的一切。

所以基本上,正如我已经说过的,这门课完全涵盖了编程语言Java。因此,在本课程中,你将一步一步地达到你能达到的最好结果。因此,你将开始学习所有这些,通过跟随讲座,理解图像和材料,解决高级现实世界的例子和实践测试。此外,本课程将为您提供许多背景知识,如创建和编写您的第一个Python 3程序、变量、数据类型、函数、注释、数据库、文件等等。


学生将学习如何正确理解python 3编程的基础知识

了解如何正确处理python 3中数据库和文件的使用


编写您自己的第一个定制python 3程序



创建您自己的定制python 3程序

了解如何理解和解决python 3中的错误

开始在python 3中优化和正确地工作




创建优化且正确的python 3项目












正如已经解释过的,这个课程实际上涵盖了从创建和编写你自己的定制Python 3程序开始你需要知道的一切。Aso还解释说,该课程将带你一步一步地学习,用真实世界的例子和实践来改变你所能获得的最佳知识。因此,总之,本课程是你成功开始用Python 3创建和编写你自己的定制Python 3项目和程序所需要的一切。


希望正确学习如何成功创建自己的Python 3程序和项目的学生。

MP4 | Video: h264, 1280×720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch
Genre: eLearning | Language: English + srt | Duration: 96 lectures (7h 1m) | Size: 1.6 GB

High-quality lectures & materials, giving you the opportunity to successfully learn Python 3 programming in 2022

What you’ll learn
Students will learn the main basics & fundamentals of the python 3 programming language.
Students will learn how to correctly install & setup PyCharm for perfect python programming experience.
Students will learn how to use variables, functions, lists, loops, datatypes & much more in python programming.
Students will learn how to correctly create custom files, read from custom files & write into custom files.
Students will learn how to correctly handle, understand & fix common exceptions in python programming.
Students will learn how to correctly import, export & publish their projects in python programming.

Students should have a computer & an internet connection.
Students should be able to install software on their computer.
Students should be able to have motivation in learning a new skill.

Hi! So my name is Pascal Krause and I am one of the leading instructors of this course, where you fully learn how to successfully start learning the basics & fundamentals of the popular Python 3 programming language. This being said, this course provides you everything you need to be able to write & create your own custom projects & programs, by using Python 3 programming.

So basically as already said this course fully covers the programming language Java. So in this course you will get step-by-step to your own best results you can & will achive. So you will start learning all this, by following the lectures, understanding images & materials and solving high advanced real-world examples & practice tests. Also this course will offer you many background things, like create & write your first Python 3 program, variables, datatypes, functions, commentaries, databases, files & much much more.

So clearly now, what does the course offers you?
The course offers the following things

Students will learn how to correctly understand the basics & fundamentals of python 3 programming

Learn how to correctly handle with the usage of databases & files in python 3

Understand the main basics, like variables, functions & much more

Writing your first own custom python 3 program

Correctly install, customize & use PyCharm for python development

Many different challenges & example projects

Create your own custom python 3 programs

Learn how to understand & solve errors in python 3

Start working optimized & correctly in python 3

Understand the basics of Object-Oriented Programming

Start handling with many different python situations

Learn about classes, packages & much more

Create optimized & correct python 3 projects

& much more…

Okay, but all in all why should I take this course?
Take this course because of the following things

The course provides active support to every question

Up to date content

Experienced instructor with 4+ years experience

Real-world examples & example projects

Many different challenges, you can solve yourself

7+ hours of on demand video content with English captions

90+ lectures split over to 15+ sections

High quality content, with high resolution videos

& much more…

So as already explained, this course really covers everything you need to know to begin with creating & writing your own custom Python 3 programs. Aso also explained the course will take you step-by-step, with real-world examples & practice changelles to the best knowledge you can achive. So all in all this course is everything you need to successfully start out with creating & writing your own custom Python 3 projects & programs in Python 3.

Also as always, if you are not 100% satisfied with the course it self or any course content you don’t like or you got other unspecific problems with the course, you can get your money back, by using Udemy’s 30 day money back guarentee. This basically means you can get your full money you paid for the course back withing 30 days after the purchase of the course happened. But all in all I am really confidant that I am the best person to take you through this entire course & this very interesting topic.

Who this course is for
Students, who want to correctly learn how to successfully create their own Python 3 programs & projects.

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