灰色大猩猩-表面缺陷划痕图 大小解压后:620M 4K分辨率 jpeg格式

你渴望在你的渲染中有更多的真实感吗?通过破坏你完美的材料和增加另一个层次的可信度来改变它。从“Plus Library”中单击并拖动任何高质量纹理到您选择的渲染器中,并使用它们来分解平滑反射、图层和遮罩材质、在平滑表面上创建草皮等等。
Greyscalegorilla – Surface Imperfections Scratches Maps

Do you have an itch for more realism in your renders? Scratch it by wrecking your perfect materials and adding another level of believability. Click and drag any of the high quality textures from the Plus Library into your renderer of choice, and use them to break up smooth reflections, layer and mask out materials, create divots on that smooth surface, and so much more.