Adobe® Captivate® 软件可以帮助您快速创作多种基于 HTML5 的交互式电子学习内容。轻松创建满足辅助功能标准的应用程序模拟模型、产品演示、拖放模块,以及软技能和合规培训材料。将 PowerPoint 演示文稿转变为具备交互功能和测验的极具吸引力的电子学习内容。可以发布至网络、桌面以及领先的 LMS,以及各种移动设备,包括 iPad。*

文件大小:1 GB


Unlock the future of smart eLearning design. Conquer new learning landscapes with a smart authoring tool that lets you create all kinds of fully-responsive eLearning content. Effortlessly design immersive learning experiences with VR and 360° media assets. Amplify video-based learning by easily adding interactivity to your videos………

