Creating character using 3ds max and Substance Painter
使用3ds max和Substance Painter创建角色

教程大小:2.34G 共26小节课程 1920X1080分辨率 语言:英语+机译中文字幕 含课程素材和模型工程文件带材质贴图

必须安装3ds Max和Substance Painter


您将在6小时内学会如何使用3ds Max和Substance Painter轻松创建和可视化角色!


如果您是3ds Max的初学者和中级用户,本课程非常适合您!

整个课程不到6小时,它将为您提供大量关于Substance Painter和3ds Max的有用信息。




本课程面向对3ds max界面有基本了解并熟悉建模的学生

也适用于对Substance Painter 一无所知的学生


Creating character using 3ds max and Substance Painter
Basic 3ds max knowlegde of interface and modelling
You have to have installed 3ds Max and Substance Painter
Additionally you have to have installed V-ray. But you can use any preferred render engine
You will learn how to create and visualise character using 3ds Max and Substance Painter easily less than in 6 hours!

26 videos will show you whole of the process of creating beautiful result

If you are beginner and mid-user of 3ds Max this course is perfect for you!

Whole course less than 6 hour-long and it will give you a lot of useful information about Substance Painter and also 3ds Max.

You will be able to build your character from scratch and in the end of a course you’ll be surprised how fast you can get the best results!

If you really into creating great-looking characters this course is definetely for you!

Who this course is for:
This course is for students who already have basic knowdlege about 3ds max interface and are familiar with modelling
It is also for students who doesn’t know anything about Substance Painter
Also basic knowledge of any render engine will be an advantage