The Foundry发布最新版3D建模软件MODO 15 !
MODO是英国The Foundry公司开发的一款集高级多边形细分曲面、建模、雕刻、3D绘画、动画与渲染于一体的综合性3D软件,它为多个行业的设计/创意环节提供了全面的解决方案,经常被电影领域的制作公司用来进行角色设计、动画制作或特殊效果设计制作等。
语言:英语|文件大小:1.2 GB
Modo强大而灵活的3D建模、动画、纹理和渲染工具集使艺术家能够探索和开发想法,而无需跳过技术障碍。Modo是你创造性探索的起点。Modo 15.0引入了新的工作流范例,这些范例定义了设计和内容创建的未来。凭借重新注入的网格融合、Rig Clay的扩展、改进的表单预设、强大的新建模工具和mPath interactive,这是15个系列中的第一个三个版本,为改善您的日常生活奠定了基础…….
Language: English | File Size: 1.2 GB
Modo’s powerful and flexible 3D modeling, animation, texturing and rendering toolset empowers artists to explore and develop ideas without jumping through technical hoops. Modo is your starting point for creative exploration. Modo 15.0 introduces new workflow paradigms that define the future of design and content-creation. With a reinvisioned MeshFusion, expansion of Rig Clay, refined form presets, powerful new modeling tools and mPath interactive, this first release of three in the 15 series establishes a foundation that will improve your every-day…….
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