琳达-绘制矢量图形:颜色和细节(2021) 大小解压后:3.19G 含课程文件

语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥CG资源站 机译)

素描是一个很好的起点,但是灯光、色彩和细节是让你的插图更上一层楼的因素。在本课程中,冯·格力奇卡向您展示了如何使用Adobe Illustrator在设计中使用灯光效果、颜色和各种细节方法。一路上,冯展示了他对创作过程的见解,并分享了展示他所教授的技术的创作作品。

Lynda – Drawing Vector Graphics: Color and Detail (2021)
A sketch is a great starting place, but lighting, color, and detail are what take your illustrations to the next level. In this course, Von Glitschka shows you how to use lighting effects, colors, and a great variety of detailing methods to your designs with Adobe Illustrator. Along the way, Von reveals his insights on the creative process and shares creative works that demonstrate the techniques he’s teaching.