包含版本:Easy Multi Save 1.48 5.3

Easy Multi Save是一个多合一的保存和加载解决方案,将真正节省你很多时间。它适用于小型和大型项目,并且不需要任何C++知识,这使得它非常适合于只有蓝图和代码的项目。保存和加载级别演员,级别和子级别蓝图,球员,库存,组件,持久的数据或设置。它还支持为任何参与者一键保存复杂的蓝图结构。所有保存的数据都被压缩为最小文件大小!


Main Features:

A fast and streamlined way of saving/loading complex game data.
Use a single save game or an infinite amount of save slots, along with thumbnails.
Save and load Level Actors, Level Blueprints, Player, Inventory and more.
Save and load Persistent data like progress.
Save and load Components and Child Actors.
Use the ‘Save Interface’ to get save, pre-save and loaded events for an Actor.
The system automatically decides what Actors to update or respawn, don’t worry!
Load and save Actors in open worlds with World Partition or Streaming.
Save any variable and use its loaded data directly.
Ongoing support and updates.

Advanced Features:

Multi-Thread and Deferred Loading to load/save many Actors.
Multi-User game support.
Clean file structure with Desktop and Console file system support.
Save recursive Blueprint structures with one click.
Save player, game mode or any other Actor as persistent data.
Keep old save files relevant after updating your project.
Support to share save games between players.
Support for saving only the client in network games.
Custom Save Objects, for storing settings or additional data.

Code Modules: Easy Multi Save(Runtime)

Number of C++ Classes: 20

Network Replicated: Supported

Supported Development Platforms: Windows, Mac

Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows, Mac, Android, iOS, [Consoles require manual compilation]


