OpenAI 发布了几种大型语言模型(LLMs),每种模型都针对不同的使用案例进行优化。这个课程教你如何选择合适的模型,以平衡性能、准确性和成本。OpenAI for Developers (Path)

这个学习路径带领学习者熟悉 OpenAI 的 APIs,包括 ChatGPT、DALL-E、WHISPER,以及文件和微调 API,涵盖高级 AI 交互和整合技术。参与者将学习如何设计有效的提示,加快查询响应速度,并利用系统消息和令牌来改善模型性能。在学习路径结束时,学习者将能够将 OpenAI 的 APIs 集成到应用程序中以实现互动用户体验,使用图像 API 进行创意任务,并应用转录、翻译和自定义微调以满足特定需求。课程还涵盖安全性、内容审核和管理 API 使用等基本实践,以确保安全高效的 AI 应用部署。

MP4 | 视频: h264, 1920×1080 | 音频: AAC, 48 KHz
语言: 英语 | 大小: 1.79 GB | 时长: 7小时 2分钟 49秒

OpenAI publishes several large language models (LLMs), each optimized for different use cases. This course teaches you how to select the right model to balance performance, accuracy, and cost.

This path guides learners through OpenAI’s APIs, including ChatGPT, DALL-E, WHISPER, and the Files and Fine Tunes API, covering advanced AI interaction and integration techniques. Participants will learn how to craft effective prompts, speed up query responses, and utilize system messages and tokens for improved model performance. By the end of the path, learners will be equipped to integrate OpenAI’s APIs into applications for interactive user experiences, work with the Image API for creative tasks, and apply transcription, translation, and custom fine-tuning to meet specific needs. It also covers essential practices in security, content moderation, and managing API usage to ensure safe and efficient AI application deployment.

