HDRI – Skies pack 21 文件大小解压后 8.5G
hdri-skies pack 21 info:海边收集的20k分辨率的高质量hdr skydomes 20k 20全球形hdri天空。从数字中选择地图:~390向上。非常高的动态范围:高达25 evs文件类型:。hdr宽范围 天气条件分辨率~ 20 . 000像素。

Seaside Collection of very high quality HDR Skydomes 20k

20 full spherical HDRI Skies in 20K resolution. Selected maps from number: ~390 up.
Very High Dynamic Range: Up to 25 EVs
File Type: .HDR
Wide range of weather conditions
Resolution ~ 20.ooopx.