使用Zbrush、3Ds max、Substance Painter和Marmoset对科幻游戏道具进行建模和纹理处理


MP4 |视频:h264,1280×720 |音频:AAC,44.1 KHz
语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥CG资源站机译)|大小解压后:5.37 GB 含课程文件 |时长:4小时 45分钟

对Zbrush、3ds Max、Substance Painter和狨猴有初步了解

导师InfoDesmond Man目前是一名环境艺术家,在AAA主机游戏公司工作。他最喜欢这份工作的一点是,他可以和同事们一起玩很酷的游戏,他更把这些同事当成朋友。他最引以为豪的项目是激光联盟,因为他在建造环境时有很多创作自由和支持。德斯蒙德一直是一个艺术家,但他的灵感大多来自于看卡通片。他从小就喜欢动画,人们制作卡通动画的方式令他震惊。他去一所大学上3D艺术,瞬间爱上了它。他知道自己想以3D艺术为职业,但不确定自己想进入3D行业的哪个领域。当他玩电子游戏《我们中的最后一个》时,它改变了他的生活,他下定决心要进入游戏行业。他对刚刚起步的艺术家的建议是,要非常努力地工作。他认为努力工作是值得的,拥有自己的艺术风格、艺术别名和自己的一套只有“你”才懂的技能真的很酷。

在本课程中,Desmond将带您了解完整的游戏资产创建,在这里您将制作一个未来主义的板条箱道具。他会向你展示他的建模技术,更重要的是,当你慢慢建造道具时,他会向你展示他的艺术理论。您将在本课程中经历的程序流程是:在Zbrush中雕刻、在3ds Max中重新绘制和展开、烘焙准备、在Substance painter中纹理化,以及最后在Marmoset工具包中导出纹理和渲染资源。

在你学习这门课程的过程中,Desmond的目标是在接近艺术和解释为什么他在某些情况下会做或不会做时,尽可能随意和开放地讲述他的整个过程。他很高兴能投入到教学中,与你分享他作为环境艺术家时学到的东西。Game Asset Creation Modeling & Texturing A Futuristic Crate

Model and Texture a Sci-Fi Game Prop using Zbrush, 3Ds max, Substance Painter, and Marmoset

What you’ll learn
Acquire artistic theory in modeling and texturing game props
Understand the industry pipeline of creating AAA quality game asset
How to efficiently retopologize
Prepare models for baking
Create believable scratches, dirt, and discoloration
Render high quality finished product for portfolio presentation
Intermediate knowledge of Zbrush, 3ds Max, Substance Painter and Marmoset
Instructor InfoDesmond Man is currently an Environment Artist working in AAA console games. What he loves most about his job is that he gets to make cool games with colleagues which he considers more as friends. The project that he had worked on the he is the most proud of was Laser League because he had a lot of creative freedom and support when building the environments. Desmond had always been an artistic person but most of his inspiration began from watching cartoons. He had always loved animation as a child and how people made cartoon animations astounded him. He went to a university to take 3D art and instantly fell in love with it. He knew he wanted to pursue 3D art as a career but wasn’t sure which field in the 3D industry he wanted to get into. When he played the video game Last of Us, it had changed his life and he made up his mind that he wanted to be in the game industry. His advice for artists just starting out is to work really hard. He believes the hard work is worth it and having your own art style, art alias, and your own set of skills that only “you” understand is actually really cool. Course Info In this course, Desmond will take you to the complete game asset creation where you will be producing a futuristic crate prop. He will show you his techniques of modeling and more importantly he will show you his artistic theory while you slowly build the prop. The program pipeline that you will be going through the course is sculpting in Zbrush, retopologizing and unwrapping in 3ds Max, preparation for baking, texturing in Substance painter, and finally exporting out textures and rendering out the asset in Marmoset Toolbag. As you go through this course, Desmond aims to be as casual and open about his full process when approaching art and explaining why he would or wouldn’t do in certain situations. He is excited to dive into teaching and share with you what he had learned during his time as an environment artist.

