Chat Groups Guilds v1.1.7 聊天组公会是一个快速和简单的方式来为您的项目建立一个多人社交系统!快速轻松地将完整的社交系统添加到您的项目中!包括文字聊天,团体和公会。完成一个易于使用的用户界面来接受/发送邀请,阻止/解锁玩家,创建公会,创建团体和控制公会角色设置。


Multiplayer Support
Text Chat (Whisper, Say, Yell, Global, Group and Guild message types)
Groups (Promote, Kick and Invite options)
Guild Settings (Rename, Delete and Set Starting Role)
Guild Roles (Create, Remove and Rename Guild Roles)
Guild Permissions (Fine control of each guild role permissions)
Name Plates (Add to any actor to have customizable name plates)
Social Settings (Block invites, Replace Player Name and Mute Message Sounds)
Save System (Guilds, Groups, Social Setting, Chat Layout and Chat Settings)
Chat Commands (Quit, Block/Unblock players, Commands and easy to add more!)
Easy to add to any project!
All players UI panel
Clean and easy to use UI
Customizable widgets
Fully commented & documented
Full Command List [Here]

Number of Blueprints: 64 (42 Widgets)

Input: Mouse & Keyboard

Network Replicated: Yes

Supported Development Platforms: Windows, Mac

