在这个课程中,我将向你展示如何创建一个受《巫师3:疯狂狩猎》启发的场景。本课程的目标是一步一步地向你展示如何从零开始创造一个充满灵感的环境。从使用Speedtree 9创建植被到最终在UE5.1上合成。我们将看到使用Quixel混合器创建纹理,使用盖亚(可选)创建地形以修饰场景背景,我们将创建所有必要的着色器以获得最高质量。我们将使用电影渲染队列完成4k渲染。更多细节见下文。

我会学到什么?在Speedtree 9中:使用混合逻辑创建几个下一代树(使用Nanite的结构和使用common LODs/Imposter的树叶)创建3d分支以用作纹理创建一个地图集以在单个纹理中组合几个部分创建地面树叶模型,针对实时渲染进行优化。在UE5中:用于树干、树叶、地形和Megascans资源的复杂着色器。先进的地形着色器,具有距离混合纹理,视差遮挡贴图,RVT,自动逻辑和用遮罩生成树叶。完整的构图(程序布局、照明、视觉特效…)使用Quixel Mixer中的电影渲染队列创建渲染:在ue5中创建多个带有和不带有动画水坑的高级纹理使用正确的压缩纹理导出在盖亚:创建一些用于修饰场景背景的地形导出遮罩在Photoshop中的ue5中使用它们进行纹理处理:替换一些纹理的颜色提高质量合并遮罩有哪些章节可用?白杨树(完整创建)- (7h26)树皮和树叶高级着色器- (2h35)松树(完整创建)- (6h55)白杨和松树的变化和树苗- (3h)复杂景观着色器和Quixel混合器纹理(UE5.1) – (4h47)地面树叶(Speedtree 9) – (7h25)场景创建(第1部分)- (2h52)远处地形+着色器(盖亚/ UE5.1) – (1h10)Megascans高级着色器(UE5.1) – (1h05)场景创建(第2部分)(UE5)…)(UE5.1) – (40m)场景创建(第三部分)(UE5.1) – (1h10)用电影渲染队列渲染(UE5.1) – (1h)我会得到什么?(每周更新)~51小时的分步视频教程单独下载章节(。zip)1080/30fps分辨率使用的软件:Speedtree 9.1.2或更高版本虚幻引擎5.13d Modeler (Blender、3ds Max、Maya…)照片/图像编辑软件(Photoshop、Gimp…)Quixel Mixer 2022Gaea 1.3.2(可选)级别:任何想要学习、提高或固定环境创建技能的人。先决条件:拥有一台装有Windows 10(64位)/未在Windows 11Winrar或7zip上测试解压缩文件的计算机虚幻引擎基础知识


MP4 | Video: h264, 1280×720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 42 GB 含课程文件| Duration: 50小时 15分钟

Learn how to create an UE5 scene inspired by The Witcher game

What you’ll learn
Create an environment from scratch on UE5
Create next-gen trees
Create multiple optimized shaders
Create different vegetation type on Speedtree 9

Owning a computer with Windows 10 (64Bits) / Not tested on Windows 11
Winrar or 7zip to decompress files
The basics of Unreal Engine

During this course I will show you how to create a scene inspired by The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.The goal of this course is to show you, step by step, how to create an inspired environment from scratch.From the creation of the vegetation with Speedtree 9 to the final composition on UE5.1. We will see the creation of textures with Quixel Mixer, terrain to dress the background of our scene with Gaea (optional) and we will create all the necessary shaders to get the maximum quality. And we will finish with the 4k renders with the Movie Render Queue. More details below.What I will learn?In Speedtree 9:Create serval Next-gen trees with hybrid logic (structure with Nanite and foliage with common LODs/Imposter)Create 3d branches to use as texturesCreate an atlas to combine several parts in a single textureCreate ground foliage models optimized for realtime rendering.In UE5:Complex shaders for trunk, foliage, terrain & Megascans assets.Advanced terrain shader with distance blend texture, Parallax Occlusion Mapping, RVT, automatic logic and spawn foliage with mask.Complete composition (Procedural Placement, lighting, vfx…)Create renders with the Movie Render QueueIn Quixel Mixer:Create multiple advanced textures with and without animated puddles in UE5Export with the correct packed texturesIn Gaea:Create some terrains used to dress the background of our sceneExport masks to use them for texturing in UE5In Photoshop:Replace colors of some texturesEnhance the qualityCombine masksWhich chapters are available?Aspen Trees (Complete Creation) – (7h26)Bark & Foliage advanced Shader – (2h35)Pine Trees (Complete Creation) – (6h55)Variations & Saplings for Aspen & Pine – (3h)Complex Landscape Shader & Quixel Mixer Textures (UE5.1) – (4h47)Ground Foliage (Speedtree 9) – (7h25)Scene Creation (Part 1) – (2h52)Distant Terrain + Shader (Gaea / UE5.1) – (1h10)Megascans Advanced Shader (UE5.1) – (1h05)Scene Creation (Part 2) (UE5.1) – (7h27)Decals Shader (UE5.1) – (51m)Adding Wind on Foliage (Speedtree 9 / UE5.1) – (1h24)Simple Particles (Ambient Dust / Moving Pollen…) (UE5.1) – (40m)Scene Creation (Part 3) (UE5.1) – (1h10)Rendering with Movie Render Queue (UE5.1) – (1h)What I will get? (updated weekly)~51 hours of step-by-step video tutorialSeparate downloadable chapters (.zip)1080/30fps resolutionSoftware Used:Speedtree 9.1.2 or aboveUnreal Engine 5.13d Modeler (Blender, 3ds Max, Maya…)Photo/Image Editing Software (Photoshop, Gimp…)Quixel Mixer 2022Gaea 1.3.2 (optionnal)Level:Anyone who wants to learn, improve or fix their skills in environment creation.Prerequisite:Owning a computer with Windows 10 (64Bits) / Not tested on Windows 11Winrar or 7zip to decompress filesThe basics on Unreal EngineImportant note :This course was created in version 5.1 and it is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to use THE SAME version! If you choose to use another version, be aware that you may encounter possible errors not covered in this course.About copyrights:All you can find in the resources of the course are for personal usage only. You cannot share or sell it.

Section 1: Aspen Trees

Lecture 1 Speedtree Overview

Lecture 2 Aspen Tree – Structure

Lecture 3 Aspen Tree – Branch Texture (Part.1)

Lecture 4 Aspen Tree – Branch Texture (Part.2)

Lecture 5 Aspen Tree – Baking Textures & Test

Lecture 6 Aspen Tree – Second Branch

Lecture 7 Aspen Tree – Generate Atlas

Lecture 8 Aspen Tree – Base Cutouts

Lecture 9 Aspen Tree – First Branch Creation

Lecture 10 Aspen Tree – First Branch Test & LODs

Lecture 11 Aspen Tree – Second Branch Creation

Lecture 12 Aspen Tree – Improvements

Lecture 13 Aspen Tree – Adding Lumps

Lecture 14 Aspen Tree – Adding Small Branches

Lecture 15 Aspen Tree – Adding Tessellation

Lecture 16 Aspen Tree – Setup UE5 Project

Lecture 17 Aspen Tree – Export Structure

Lecture 18 Aspen Tree – Export Foliage

Lecture 19 Aspen Tree – Remove Noisy Alpha

Lecture 20 Aspen Tree – Import in UE5

Section 2: Bark & Foliage Shader

Lecture 21 Shader Basics

Lecture 22 Import Default Textures

Lecture 23 Tiling Function

Lecture 24 Albedo Controls Function

Lecture 25 Specular, Roughness & Emissive

Lecture 26 Normal Intensity Function

Lecture 27 Greyscale Controls Function

Lecture 28 Sorting Instances

Lecture 29 Billboards Function

Lecture 30 Test & RDO Texture

Lecture 31 Foliage Set Function

Lecture 32 Comparison

Section 3: Pine Trees

Lecture 33 Trunk Creation

Lecture 34 Branches Creation

Lecture 35 Bark Texture

Lecture 36 Green Branch – Structure

Lecture 37 Green Branch – Improvements

Lecture 38 Green Branch – Needles

Lecture 39 Green Branch – Texturing

Lecture 40 How to Create a Gradient Needles

Lecture 41 Green Branch – Assign Gradient

Lecture 42 Green Branch – Overlap Improvements

Lecture 43 Green Branch – Improve Top Needles

Lecture 44 Green Branch – Adding Details

Lecture 45 Green Branch – Texture Test

Lecture 46 Green Branch – Rework

Lecture 47 Dead Branch – Full Creation

Lecture 48 Dead Branch – Test on Tree

Lecture 49 Branches – Variations

Lecture 50 Branches – Bake Small Parts

Lecture 51 Green Branch – Atlas Creation

Lecture 52 Dead Branch – Atlas Creation

Lecture 53 Atlas Cutouts

Lecture 54 Adding Anchor Points

Lecture 55 Improve Top Tree

Lecture 56 Improve Density

Lecture 57 Top Details

Lecture 58 Down Details

Lecture 59 Adding Tessellation

Lecture 60 Export to UE5

Lecture 61 Test in UE5

Section 4: Tree Variations & Saplings

Lecture 62 Aspen Tree – Variations

Lecture 63 Pine Tree – Variations

Lecture 64 Variations – Increase Segments

Lecture 65 Variations – Export Aspens

Lecture 66 Variations – Export Pines

Lecture 67 Aspen Sapling – Cutouts

Lecture 68 Aspen Sapling – Creation

Lecture 69 Pine Sapling – Structure

Lecture 70 Pine Sapling – Needles

Lecture 71 Saplings – Export & Import to UE5

Section 5: Landscape Shader

Lecture 72 Upgrade Project for UE5.1

Lecture 73 Distance Based Texture Blending

Lecture 74 Layers Function

Lecture 75 Layer01 Function

Lecture 76 Other Layers

Lecture 77 Slopes Logic & Clean

Lecture 78 Grass Texture

Lecture 79 Main Ground & Variations

Lecture 80 Height Based Paint Layers

Lecture 81 Fix Grey Terrain Issue

Lecture 82 Parallax Occlusion Mapping (POM)

Lecture 83 POM – RDO Support

Lecture 84 Rock Texture

Section 6: Ground Foliage

Lecture 85 Grass

Lecture 86 Landscape Auto Foliage

Lecture 87 Fern

Lecture 88 Pink Flowers

Lecture 89 Yellow Flowers

Lecture 90 Reeds

Lecture 91 White Flowers

Lecture 92 Dry Plant

Lecture 93 Masked Automatic Foliage

Section 7: Scene Creation (Part.1)

Lecture 94 Setup Level & Terrain

Lecture 95 Landscape Paint Brush

Lecture 96 Path – Creation

Lecture 97 Path – Material

Lecture 98 UE5 Terrain Issue

Lecture 99 Drawing the Path

Lecture 100 Adding Reliefs with Blueprint

Lecture 101 Trees Blueprint

Lecture 102 Procedural Aspen

Lecture 103 Procedural Pines & Saplings

Lecture 104 Volumetric Fog

Lecture 105 Path Texture

Lecture 106 Improvements

Section 8: Distant Mountains

Lecture 107 Terrain Creation

Lecture 108 Convert Terrain to Mesh

Lecture 109 Textures Setup & Import in UE5

Lecture 110 Master Material Creation

Section 9: Megascans Assets Shader

Lecture 111 Master Material Creation

Lecture 112 Cover System

Section 10: Scene Creation (Part.2)

Lecture 113 Explanations

Lecture 114 Big Clean

Lecture 115 Fix Landscape Mode Crash

Lecture 116 Relief Improvements

Lecture 117 Variation Layers

Lecture 118 Set Landscape Grass Types

Lecture 119 Ground Foliage – Rework

Lecture 120 Ground Foliage – Color

Lecture 121 Ground Foliage – Optimized Shadows

Lecture 122 Ground Foliage – LODs

Lecture 123 Setup Trees

Lecture 124 Improve Lighting

Lecture 125 Runtime Virtual Texture (RVT)

Lecture 126 Distance Moutains Placement

Lecture 127 Path Improvements

Lecture 128 Adding Rocks & Ruins

Lecture 129 Improvements

Lecture 130 Local Volumetric Fog

Lecture 131 Salabilities Blueprint

Lecture 132 Grass Rework

Lecture 133 Adding Stumps

Section 11: Decals / Common & Water

Lecture 134 Common Decals

Lecture 135 Water Decals

Section 12: Speedtree Wind

Lecture 136 Ground Foliage

Lecture 137 Aspen Trees

Lecture 138 Pine Trees

Lecture 139 Billboards (Broken)

Lecture 140 Fern

Section 13: Niagara Particles (Ambient Dust & Flies)

Lecture 141 Ambient Dust & Flies

Section 14: Scene Creation (Part.3)

Lecture 142 Ground Foliage

Lecture 143 Distant Mountains

Lecture 144 Remove Path Flatness

Lecture 145 Far Tree Billboards

Lecture 146 Final Improvements

Section 15: Rendering (Movie Render Queue)

Lecture 147 Single Shot & Animated Sequences

Anyone who wants to learn, improve or fix their skills in environment creation.

