了解如何在Godot engine 4和GDScript中从头到尾创建2D游戏!了解如何通过制作2D视频游戏来充分利用新的Godot 4游戏引擎。我们带你了解戈多的基本原理和关键概念。您将使用Godot的内置脚本语言GDScript来创建有趣的游戏机制。此外,您将学习编程的基础知识,如if语句、循环、函数、协同程序等。到最后,你知道如何使用新的Tilemap,动画播放器和其他重要的节点来制作惊人的游戏!你会创造3,是的3!,游戏在Godot 4…速度飞碟:一个避免碰撞的游戏,你会学到Godot的基本原理,场景,节点,实例,脚本和更多外星人攻击:2D侧滚动空间射击游戏涵盖物理,运动逻辑,创建UI(用户界面),粒子和更多。你将发射射弹并保持得分!火星人麦克:2D平台游戏包含了很多新的技能,包括动画、场景管理、磁贴地图等等。Complete Godot 4 Game Developer 2D Online Course
不管你是一个完全的初学者还是以前接触过Godot,这个课程都会有你想要的。您只需支付一次性费用,就可以获得终身使用权。创作者在建模和编码方面有资格和经验,因此能够清楚地解释复杂的概念,并在过程中娱乐。你可以进入问答环节。我们的教师、助教和社区随时准备回答你的问题,为你的成功欢呼。Godot 4是一个令人惊叹的引擎,本课程是深入了解它的最佳场所
由GameDev.tv团队的Ben Tristem、Kaan Alpar创建
MP4 |视频:h264,1280×720 |语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥CG资源站机译)|时长:11小时17分钟|大小:10 GB
通过制作2D视频游戏,充分利用新的Godot 4游戏引擎
制作3个不同的令人敬畏的游戏,同时学习Godot 4的基本原理和关键概念
Learn how to create 2D games from start to finish in Godot engine 4 and GDScript!
What you’ll learn
Get the most out of the new Godot 4 game engine by making 2D video games
Make 3 different awesome games, while learning the fundamentals and key concepts of Godot 4
Learn key concepts of Godot such as using Nodes, Scenes, Scripting & Signals
Use Godot’s built-in scripting language, GDScript, to create interesting game mechanics
Learn the fundamentals of programming such as if statements, loops, functions, coroutines, and more
Discover how to use the new Tilemap, the animation player and other important nodes you need to know to make amazing games
There’s no prerequisites for taking this course. Whether you’re an absolute beginner or have some programming or Godot experience, this course is for you!
Learn how to get the most out of the new Godot 4 game engine by making 2D video games.We take you through the fundamentals and key concepts of Godot. You’ll use Godot’s built-in scripting language, GDScript, to create interesting game mechanics.Plus, you’ll learn the fundamentals of programming such as if statements, loops, functions, coroutines, and more.By the end you know how to use the new Tilemap, the animation player and other important nodes to make amazing games!You’ll create 3, yes 3!, games in Godot 4…Speed Saucer: a Collision Avoidance Game where you’ll learn Godots fundamentals, scenes, nodes, instancing, scripting and moreAlien Attack: 2D Side Scrolling Space Shooter Game covering physics, movement logic, creating UI (user interface), particles and more. You’ll be shooting projectiles and keeping score!Martian Mike: 2D Platformer Game packed full of new skills including animations, scene management, tilemap and many moreWhether you’re a complete beginner or have dabbled in Godot before, this course will have something for you.You’ll get full lifetime access for a single one-off fee. The creators are qualified and experienced with modelling and coding, so are able to explain complex concepts clearly, as well as entertain along the way.And you’ll get access to the Q&A where our Instructors, Teaching Assistants and Community are ready to help answer your questions and cheer on your success.Godot 4 is an amazing engine and this course is the perfect place to dive into it! ?
Who this course is for
Absolute beginners to Godot and programming
Absolute beginners to Godot who know some programming
Beginner and lower intermediate users of Godot
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