为什么选择 uMMORPG?
uMMORPG 是地球上最简单、最容易使用的MMO 引擎,原因之一是:99% 的 MMO 项目都失败了,因为它们太复杂了。


uMMORPG 使用Mirror用于其高级网络,Telepathy用于其低级网络。使用 Mirror,服务器和客户端是一个项目并共享 95% 的代码。(因此得名“镜子”)。多亏了 Mirror,uMMORPG 需要不到 10k 行代码,同时仍然可以轻松扩展到500-1000 CCU。

uMMORPG 的网络是完全垂直整合的。完整的网络堆栈专为 uMMORPG 设计,每天都在改进,并经过数百个其他 Unity 网络项目的实战测试。

uMMORPG 最受欢迎的隐藏功能是其庞大的Discord 社区拥有超过 3000 名成员。我们都在为我们的梦想游戏而努力,并尽最大努力在这个过程中互相帮助。

uMMORPG 可以轻松地根据您的需要进行修改:
* 强大的插件系统和数十个额外的社区插件
100% 的源代码。

uMMORPG 带有内置的弓箭手和战士类,以展示远程和近战。可以很容易地创建其他类,例如法师。

玩家有等级、经验、金币、技能、库存、装备、属性和动画。他们可以通过 WASD 和点击移动来移动。战斗系统支持常规攻击、格挡和暴击。玩家可以互相战斗并受到谋杀系统的惩罚。

怪物可以很容易地放置在世界中,并且会在服务器运行时遍历周围环境。他们的统计数据、仇恨半径和移动行为可以在 Unity Inspector 中轻松修改。怪物死后可以拾取,它们可以在运行时生成,例如使用怪物卷轴。

uMMORPG 带有 Npcs,可以向玩家出售或从玩家那里购买物品、管理公会、复活宠物和提供任务。

uMMORPG 带有强大的可编写脚本的项目/技能/任务系统。您可以根据现有类型(例如药水)添加新项目,或通过继承自 ScriptableItem 创建新类型。没有限制,你可以创建一个技能,立即生成 1000 个怪物或击晕服务器上的每个人。

uMMORPG 支持可生成的玩家拥有的实体,实现为坐骑和宠物。坐骑可以让玩家移动得更快,同时也可以被其他人攻击。可以购买、召唤和训练宠物。他们将与他们的主人并肩作战。

当一方进入门户时,服务器可以自动实例化地牢。实例化地下城传统上很难使用并且需要额外的服务器机器。uMMORPG 优化并简化了流程,使实例化地牢现在非常易于使用。

多人游戏都是关于玩家互动的。uMMORPG 带有一个组队系统来狩猎怪物,一个公会系统用于玩家之间的长期合作,以及一个可以在所有这些系统之间轻松交流的聊天系统。

uMMORPG 提供了一个简单但功能强大的制作系统。制作配方将一组给定的项目转换为具有特定成功概率的结果项目。制作可用于以各种方式组合物品,例如:
* 健康药水+法力药水=活力药水
* 刀片+手柄+剑配方=剑。

Item Malls 是过去 20 年来最成功的 MMO 货币化策略。uMMORPG 带有一个物品商城,允许您以不同的硬币价格出售不同类别的物品。uMMORPG 未针对任何支付提供商进行硬编码。您可以选择任何您想要出售硬币换取真钱的支付提供商,然后简单地将交易发布到 uMMORPG 的订单表中。

为避免混乱,uMMORPG 带有可以环绕城镇的安全区。在安全区,没有人可以互相攻击,这对于初学者区域非常有用,可以避免更高级别玩家的重生营地。

uMMORPG 默认使用 SQLite,开箱即用,无需任何额外设置。SQLite 是为军用级系统,具有100% 的测试覆盖率,同时极其易于使用,这正是我们所需要的。数据库系统可以用任何其他系统代替。例如,有一个免费的Mysql 社区插件可用。

uMMORPG 带有一个简单的登录系统,默认情况下接受任何新帐户。可以修改NetworkManagerMMO.IsValidAccount函数以轻松验证外部网站或数据库系统上的帐户。uMMORPG 还提供基本的角色选择和创建功能。

在从事 uMMORPG 工作之前,我花了几年时间对一些流行的 MMORPG 进行逆向工程,以了解它们的机制并开发机器人。因此,uMMORPG 是 100% 服务器权威的,并且非常仔细地验证任何客户端输入。为了保护服务器免受欺骗和攻击,我们付出了很多努力。任何安全漏洞都将在 48 小时内修复。特性:稳定性和

4 年的开发,uMMORPG 终于特性完备并处于Long Term S自 2019 年 2 月起支持模式,同时在 Unity 的 LTS 版本上运行以获得最大稳定性。任何可重现的错误都会立即修复。几个项目依赖于 uMMORPG,我打算很快将它用于我自己的 MMO 项目,所以错误和稳定性始终是最优先考虑的。

目前,大部分开发时间都花在了网络改进上,以便尽可能高地扩展 CCU,同时还进行了大量的社区压力测试,以确保生产中的最大稳定性。

回到 2006 年,我玩了我的第一个 MMO,并立即爱上了它。从那时起,制作我自己的 MMORPG 是我唯一真正关心的事情。uMMORPG 投入了 12,000 多个工时,这是一段漫长而艰难的旅程。

“In the information age, the barriers just aren’t there. The barriers are self imposed. If you want to set off and go develop some grand new thing, you don’t need millions of dollars of capitalization. You need enough pizza and Diet Coke to stick in your refrigerator, a cheap PC to work on, and the dedication to go through with it. We slept on floors. We waded across rivers.” ― John D. Carmack, Masters of Doom

The MMORPG Dream
20 years ago, MMORPGs used to require millions of dollars of capitalization and large teams of developers.

And then came Unity, with its mission to democratize game development.

uMMORPG’s mission is to go one step further to democratize MMO development.
It’s time to begin the era of the Indie MMORPG.

uMMORPG is the most simple and easiest to use MMO engine on the planet for one reason: 99% of the MMO projects fail because they are too complex.

Keeping both the code and the architecture incredibly simple is of utmost importance for the lone wolf developer.

uMMORPG uses Mirror for its high level networking and Telepathy for its low level networking. With Mirror, the server & client are ONE project and share 95% of the code. (hence the name “Mirror”). Thanks to Mirror, uMMORPG requires less than 10k lines of code while still scaling to 500-1000 CCU easily.

uMMORPG’s networking is completely vertically integrated. The full networking stack was designed specifically for uMMORPG and is being improved every single day and battle tested by hundreds of other Unity networking projects.

uMMORPG’s most popular hidden feature is its huge Discord Community with over 3000 members. We are all working on our dream games and trying our best to help each other out along the way.

uMMORPG can be modified to your needs easily:
* A powerful Addon System and dozens of additional community addons
* Scriptable Objects for custom Items/Skills/Quests/Recipes.
* A detailed documentation is available online.
* 100% of the source code is included.

Feature: Players
uMMORPG comes with a built in Archer and Warrior class in order to display ranged and melee combat. Additional classes like mages can be created very easily.

Players have levels, experience, gold, skills, inventories, equipment, attributes and animations. They can move both with WASD & click movement. The combat system supports regular attacks, blocks and critical hits. Players can fight each other and get penalized with a murder system.

Feature: Monsters
Monsters can easily be placed in the world and will traverse their surroundings while the server is running. Their stats, aggro radius and movement behaviour can easily be modified in the Unity Inspector. Monsters are lootable after dieing and they can be spawned at runtime, for example with monster scrolls.

Feature: Npcs
uMMORPG comes with Npcs that can sell or buy items to/from the player, manage guilds, revive pets and offer quests.

Feature: Scriptable Items/Skills/Quests
uMMORPG comes with a powerful Scriptable Items/Skills/Quests system. You can add new items based on existing types (e.g. potions), or create new types by inheriting from ScriptableItem. There are no limits, you could create a skill that instantly spawns 1000 monsters or stuns everyone on the server.

Feature: Mounts & Pets
uMMORPG supports spawnable player owned entities, implemented as mounts and pets. Mounts allow the player to move more quickly, while also being attackable by others. Pets can be purchased, summoned and trained. They will fight alongside their owner.

Feature: Portals & Instanced Dungeons
The server can automatically instantiate a dungeon when a party enters a portal. Instanced dungeons were traditionally very difficult to use and required additional server machines. uMMORPG optimized and simplified the process to the point where instanced dungeons are now extremely easy to use.

Feature: Parties, Guilds & Chat
Multiplayer games are all about player interaction. uMMORPG comes with a party system to hunt monsters in a group, a guild system for long term collaboration amongst players and a chat to communicate between all of those systems easily.

Feature: Crafting
uMMORPG provides a simple, yet powerful crafting system. Crafting recipes convert a given set of items to a resulting item with a specified probability of success. Crafting can be used to combine items in all kinds of ways, for example:
* Health Potion + Mana Potion = Vigor Potion
* Blade + Handle + Sword Recipe = Sword.

Feature: Item Mall
Item Malls are the most successful MMO monetization strategy of the last 20 years. uMMORPG comes with an item mall that allows you to sell items in different categories for different coin prices. uMMORPG is not hard coded to any payment provider. You can any payment provider that you want to sell coins for real money, and then simply post the transactions in uMMORPG’s orders table.

Feature: Safe Zones
To avoid chaos, uMMORPG comes with safe zones that can be wrapped around towns. In safe zones, no one can attack each other, which is very useful for starter areas to avoid spawn camping by higher level players.

Feature: Database
uMMORPG uses SQLite by default, which works out of the box and without any additional setup whatsoever. SQLite was developed for military grade systems and has 100% test coverage while being extremely easy to use, which is just what we need. The database system can be replaced by any other system. For example, there is a free Mysql community addon available.

Feature: Login, Character Selection & Creation
uMMORPG comes with a simple login system that accepts any new account by default. The NetworkManagerMMO.IsValidAccount function can be modified to verify accounts on an external website or database system easily. uMMORPG also provides basic character selection and creation features.

Feature: Security
Before working on uMMORPG, I spent several years reverse engineering a few popular MMORPGs to understand their mechanics and develop Bots. As result, uMMORPG is 100% server authoritative and validates any client input very carefully. A lot of care and effort is taken into protecting the server against cheats and exploits. Any security bug will be fixed within 48 hours.

Feature: Stability & LTS
After almost 4 years of development, uMMORPG is finally feature complete and in Long Term Support mode since February 2019, while running on Unity’s LTS releases for maximum stability. Any reproducable bug is fixed immediately. Several projects rely on uMMORPG and I intend to use it for my own MMO project soon, so bugs and stability always have highest priority.

The majority of development time is currently spent on networking improvements in order to scale up CCU as high as possible, while also doing heavy community stress tests to guarantee maximum stability in production.

Final Words
Back in 2006, I played my first MMO and immediately fell in love with it. Making my own MMORPG is the only thing I ever really cared about since then. Over 12,000 man hours went into uMMORPG, and it’s been a long and difficult journey.

I invite you to our community to join us all on an adventure towards making our dream games. uMMORPG does all the heavy lifting for you and there is finally a reasonable chance of success for the lone wolf developer. But buying uMMORPG is no guarantee for success. It will still require a lot of sweat, tears, focus and long work hours. But it will be worth it, and every step of the way will be increasingly more intense and meaningful for you and your players.

