Unity已经发布了Ziva VFX 2.2,这是其Maya软组织模拟插件的最新版本。此次更新引入了一个新的GPU解算器,它使得使用当前的Nvidia GPUs来加速求解成为可能,并提供了在Maya视口中可视化附件拉伸的选项。

Ziva VFX于2017年首次公开发布,现在是视觉效果管道的主要产品,用户包括DNEG,Scanline VFX和Image Engine。该插件模仿真实组织的硬度、密度和体积保存,包括骨骼、肌腱、肌肉和皮肤;并且支持多种类型的物理阻尼。除了直接编辑参数,Ziva VFX还支持基于笔刷的工作流,使绘制材料属性和网格分辨率成为可能,甚至可以在肌肉附着点和肌肉纤维中绘制。该插件去年被Unity及其原始开发者Ziva Dynamics收购,现在是该公司新的Unity Wētā Tools部门的一部分。
Ziva VFX 2.2:新的GPU解算器和视口可视化选项
Ziva VFX 2.2中的主要新功能是新的GPU求解器:Ziva VFX 2.0中引入的迭代求解器的GPU实现。它基于CUDA,需要图灵一代或更高版本的Nvidia GPU:粗略地说,任何不到五年的Nvidia消费者或工作站卡。文档没有给出在GPU上求解可能带来的速度提升的数字,但指出当资产较大且复杂时,性能会更好。对于轻资产,GPU解算器将“性能较低”。

Unity发表了一篇博客文章,其中有一张图表显示了CPU和GPU迭代求解器的相对性能。即使使用四年前的GPU(Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 Super),一个逼真的人类角色(图表左侧)在GPU上的求解速度也不到2倍,对于更具风格的角色,速度提升较小。

Ziva VFX是世界领先的角色模拟解决方案。该技术具有强大的物理解算器,使艺术家能够复制任何软组织对象的物质性和物理特性,包括肌肉、脂肪和皮肤。这一功能,以及全面收集的开箱即用的索具工具,已经为领先的CG生物提供了动力,如惊奇队长,水族人,地狱男爵,狗回家的路,小脚,等等。Ziva模拟技术利用英特尔的数学内核库,准确地解决了有机软组织(即肌肉、脂肪和皮肤)与织物、纺织品、金属和泡沫等外部物体之间的关系。通过模拟人体模型和数字化重建的零售设计,公司可以有效地识别产品如何相互作用和影响人体,减少对活体测试和冗余制造周期的需求。

使用Ziva VFX艺术指导休息形状,在您的模拟中击中任何自定义形状或轮廓,并配有丰富的物理粘附二级动力学。这种高需求的功能使动画和VFX团队能够减少他们的纠正工作流程,并推动他们的角色,数码替身和面部工作超越任何艺术限制。
Ziva Dynamics于2015年初由奥斯卡奖得主詹姆斯·雅各布斯(James Jacobs)和南加州大学教授/TR35得主Jernej Barbic博士创立,正在改变虚拟角色的生活方式。Ziva从根本上改变了角色创作过程,同时为所有级别的艺术家提供了更好的控制、速度和能力。新兴艺术家、获奖工作室和全球品牌都在利用Ziva的技术为电影、电视、零售体验和互动环境制作世界级角色。Unity宣布收购Ziva Dynamics,该公司是复杂模拟和变形、机器学习和实时角色创建领域的领导者。

Ziva VFX 2.2版,含资产| 9.9 Gb

Ziva VFX 2.2 with Assets | 9.9 Gb
Unity has released Ziva VFX 2.2, the latest version of its soft tissue simulation plugin for Maya. The update introduces a new GPU solver, which makes it possible to use current Nvidia GPUs to accelerate solves, and the option to visualise stretch in attachments in the Maya viewport.

A powerful tool for creating stable, accurate simulations of soft tissues
First released publicly in 2017, Ziva VFX is now a staple of visual effects pipelines, with users including DNEG, Scanline VFX and Image Engine. The plugin mimics the stiffness, density and volume preservation of real tissues, including bone, tendons, muscles and skin; and supports multiple types of physical damping. As well as editing parameters directly, Ziva VFX supports a brush-based workflow making it possible to paint material properties and mesh resolution, and even paint in muscle attachment points and muscle fibres. The plugin was acquired by Unity last year along with its original developer, Ziva Dynamics, and is now part of the firm’s new Unity Wētā Tools division.
Ziva VFX 2.2: new GPU solver and viewport visualisation options
The main new feature in Ziva VFX 2.2 is the new GPU solver: a GPU implementation of the Iterative Solver introduced in Ziva VFX 2.0. It’s CUDA-based, and requires a Nvidia GPU from the Turing generation or later: roughly speaking, any Nvidia consumer or workstation card less than five years old. The documentation doesn’t put a figure on the likely speed boost from solving on the GPU, but notes that performance is better when an asset is large and complex. For light assets, the GPU solver will be “less performant”.

Unity has published a blog post with a chart showing the relative performance of the CPU and GPU Iterative Solvers. Even with a four-year-old GPU (a Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 Super), a realistic human character (left of chart) solves just under 2x faster on the GPU, with smaller speed boosts for more stylised characters.
New viewport visualisation capabilities
In addition, it is now possible to visualise stretching of attachments in the Maya viewport, using user-defined colours to indicate how much each part is being stretched.

Ziva VFX is the world’s leading character simulation solution. The technology features a robust physics solver that enables artists to replicate the materiality and physics of any soft tissue object, including muscles, fat, and skin. This feature, along with the comprehensive collection of out-of-the-box rigging tools, has powered leading CG creatures in titles such as Captain Marvel, Aqua Man, Hellboy, A Dog’s Way Home, Small Foot, and more. Ziva simulation technology, which leverage Intel’s Math Kernel Libraries, accurately solves the relationship between organic soft-tissue (i.e., muscles, fat, and skin) and external objects such as fabric, textiles, metals, and foams. With simulated human models and digitally reconstructed retail designs, companies can effectively identify how products interact and influence the human body, reducing the demand for live fit tests and redundant manufacturing cycles.

Hit any custom shape or silhouette in your simulation with Ziva VFX Art Directable Rest Shapes, complete with rich, physics-adhering secondary dynamics. This high-demand feature enables animation and VFX teams to reduce their corrective workflow and push their characters, digidoubles, and facial work beyond any artistic limitation.
Founded in early 2015 by Academy Award-winner James Jacobs and USC Professor/TR35-winner Dr. Jernej Barbic, Ziva Dynamics is changing the way virtual characters are brought to life. Ziva fundamentally changes the character creation process, while providing greater control, speed, and capabilities to artists of all levels. Emerging artists, award-winning studios, and global brands are all leveraging Ziva’s technology to make world-class characters for movies, TV, retail experiences, and interactive environments. Unity has announced it’d acquired Ziva Dynamics, leader in sophisticated simulation and deformation, machine learning, and real-time character creation.

