本课程的目标是教学生如何在虚幻引擎 4 中为视频游戏创建材质和纹理。学生还将学习材质创建的高级概念,例如什么是好的材质以及如何创建模块化材质;模块化可以节省时间,并使材料更容易编辑、迭代和优化。完成后,学生将能够运用所学到的技能,并将 UE4 概念、着色器函数和数学知识应用到课程中未涵盖的其他材料中。在课程结束时,学生将制作这些主材料(然后在虚幻或其他基于节点的编辑器中创建场景时,他们可以继续将其用于大多数未来场景):道具材料、分层材料、折射材料、风素材、全息素材、地形和建筑素材、
课程时长:15小时 1920X1080 mp4 语言:英语:作者:Angel Fernandes
3D School A.1 – Texturing and Shading for Games Week 1-4
MP4 1920×1080 | Total time: 15h total | ENG | Project Files Included | 7.16 GB
CGMaster Academy – Texturing and Shading for Games
The objective of this course is to teach students how to create materials and textures for video games in Unreal Engine 4. Students will also learn high level concepts of material creation, such as what makes a good material and how to create modular materials; modularity saves time and makes materials easier to edit, iterate, and optimize. Once finished, students will be able to take the skills they’ve learned and apply them knowledge of UE4 concepts, shader functions, and math to other materials not covered in the course. By the end of the course, students will have made these master materials (which they can then carry on to use for mostly all future scenarios when creating scenes in Unreal or other node-based editors): prop material, layered material, refraction material, wind material, hologram material, terrain and architectural material, mesh decal material, and foliage material.
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